Wednesday 16 September 2009

It's now 1am and I'm still going!. I had two jobs in London today with a great guy called Mike Jankowski who is working freelance for Illuma Lighting - a good client of mine. The first shoot was in Chelsea and I got totally soaked walking from the tube station. The job was a small designer fabric shop but the lighting was great and picked out the fabric displays really well. The second shoot was at Imperial College London at a new building they've just completed. I got soaked walking there too!.
I had time to pop into my favourite shop - The Camera Cafe - and part exchanged one of my Leica cameras for an Epson RD-1 digital rangefinder body. Now I can use my Leica M lenses on a digital camera - cool!.
I'm just updating my new studio website but I need to get some sleep as I've got as busy day in the studio tomorrow. Time seems to fly past at the moment and I never have enough time spare to get everything done!.

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