Tuesday 31 August 2010

I've just finished post shoot processing the three Bristol jobs and the Carnegie Library Harrogate job from last week - I started at 9.30am and it's now 10.15pm and I've only had a couple of short breaks. I really needed to get up to date as a big back log of post shoot processing really gets to me and I start to get pretty stressed about catching up.

Tomorrow I've got a couple of small BUPA shoots to process and a bit of work to do on the chair video demo that I've been working on with my colleague Pete at Goldmoor TV and then in the afternoon I need to pop back to one of my clients premises to shoot some extra video footage for a short clip I'm working on (again with Pete at Goldmoor) to demonstrate a state of the art lighting control system. Another busy day in store then but at least I'll get out in the afternoon rather than being tied to a computer all day.

I've just been reading online about a photographer called John Stoddart - one of my all time favourite photographers and a big inspiration to me. I interviewed him a couple of years ago at his house in Chelsea for my radio show on BBC Three Counties and he was such a cool guy and very good company indeed. Ever since I met him I keep an eye out for any exhibitions he's doing and I'm sad to see that I've just missed one in London!. If you get a few minutes to spare Google John and take a look at his amazing celebrity portraits and very sexy lingerie shots - they are truly superb.

I've attached a picture from the Bristol Skills Academy which I took on Friday showing the main atrium which I think is pretty impressive for a college - my college didn't look anything like that!. I used my trusty Canon 24mm tilt and shift lens and 5D MK2 to capture this image.


Andrew Fowler Photography said...

A tricky subject with the sunlight and strong shadows. Nice subtle use of HDR?
Clean crisp whites as well.
Like you, I have an aversion to converging verticals but without the benefit of a T&S lens, I have to spend hours sorting them out and they never look 100%, although Lightroom 3 is a big help now with the new lens correction features.

Unknown said...

Hi Andrew
Thanks for commenting on the blog. Well spotted re the HDR imaging. It's a combination of 8 shots believe or not and I've done some gentle work in Photoshop after the HDR process.
The 24mm T/S lens is a gem - I'd recommend it 100%.
I'm about to upgrade to Lightroom V3 myself and look forward to getting to grips with it.
Best regards