Today was supposed to be a day off (only my 6th this year!) but I ended up popping in to the studio and playing with my 5x4 view camera for a while (well it could have been worse - what did you think I was going to say!).
I did a few odd jobs and finished off a bit of post processing too but overall it was a pretty relaxing day.
I'm going to shoot some black and white film on my Canon F1 over the weekend and next week I've got a couple of models coming into the studio and I'm going to shoot some fashion work on the big 5x4 view camera. This is a very big camera with the old fashioned looking bellows in it and you load in one sheet of film at a time instead of a roll of film. Each negative (or slide) is 5x4 inches so you get a lovely postcard sized negative to scan or print from. It's a lovely way to work and much much slower than shooting digitally but the quality is superb and it keeps my hand in at using a light meter properly. I do use a meter anyway in the studio with digital capture but it's easy to see if you've made a mistake by looking and the histogram on the back on the camera. With 5x4 film cameras if you've made a mistake it costs you money and all the set up time is wasted so it focuses the mind!.
I've attached a studio shot of Ani from our recent girls night.
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