Caught the 9.20am train to London from Leighton Buzzard today and photographed a very plush new building in Ropemaker Street just opposite the Barbican centre.
The reception area was amazing and I'll post some pictures up tomorrow once I've processed them. Because the reception area was very high - I'd guess it was around 20m high - most of the pictures were taken with my 24mm tilt and shift lens. This is basically a 24mm lens that enables me to shift the front element up to capture more of the ceiling detail without needing to tilt the camera backwards. Once you tilt a camera backwards the vertical lines of the building (ie the walls!) begin to lean inwards at the top causing the picture to look odd. In pre-digital times I'd have used my view camera but the Canon tilt and shift lenses work very well with the digital bodies so there's no need for a big heavy view camera any more.
I got home around 6pm and I've managed to catch up with a bit more post processing work and although I'm scheduled to have a shoot in Derby tomorrow I'm going to spend the day in the office to catch up properly. The Derby shoot is weather permitting anyway as it's an external job so the weather will make it a non starter anyway as it's forecast to rain.
I've attached a picture from last week's shoot at AOL London - the lights in the reception area look amazing!.
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