I spent today working on some Google marketing bits and bobs. It was supposed to be a day off to recover from my cold but I couldn't help popping in to the office and tinkering with the PC!. I've signed up to Google Adwords for both websites so It will be interesting to see if anything comes of it. I've only gone for the minimum £30 per month for each site and I don't really know what I'm doing but what the heck let's try it anyway.
I also tweaked the studio website splash page again and there's now a couple of guys on there - Melanie pointed out that the previous design was very female orientated!.
I've got a shoot in the studio tomorrow with a new model called Zoe and I'm really excited about it. It's always exciting working with someone new and we're hoping to do both studio and location shots weather permitting. I'm going to get to the studio bright and early to make sure everything is tidy and ready to go.
I've got a shoot with Rhian - one of my regular models on Thursday and again we're hoping to shoot some location work too. I'm also going to shoot some pictures on the 5x4 view camera on Thursday and maybe some tomorrow too.
One of my other model friends Rebecca (I photographed her on a couple of occasions in September) has entered Britain's Top Model so best of luck to you Rebecca. I've attached a picture from our last shoot that I've just picked out from the RAW images and it's one I didn't process at the time. Richard Avedon was one of the best photographers of all time and he introduced movement into fashion photography so this shot is influenced by his work.
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