I've spent a great day with the family today and managed to avoid working until 5.30pm.
It's always good to keep up with the post processing work as much as possible and I'm nearly up to date although I'm off to London tomorrow to shoot a building in the city.
It's been a good weekend all round actually. The studio shoot went well yesterday with my friend Tim and his family and I also managed to finally take a new self portrait for the website and blog. It's no masterpiece by any means but I wanted to include my new classic camera in the shot and used a lovely soft lighting technique whereby I bounced a Bowens flash off the rear wall of the studio up into the ceiling. The light then falls very softly and looks something like daylight. It's a good technique for people like me with bags under their eyes!.
Next week's looking busy although I do have at least one day in the diary that relies upon a clear dry day so that might be a problem.
I'm on the radio again on Wednesday at 2.30pm (BBC Radio Three Counties) so tune in if you can!. You can get the show on the Internet so there's no excuse even if your living abroad!!.
I've attached the self portrait - hopefully it's better than the old one.
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