Wow it's been quite a busy few days. I drove to Aberystwyth and back on Thursday for a photo shoot at the new Ceredigion Council HQ for one of my very best clients, then I was in London on Friday to shoot the Natural History Museum at night to show the new energy efficient LED lighting on the main facade which can change colour for events etc if required. I've attached a detail shot from the front of the building which I think is my favourite angle from the shoot.
I sold all my Leica camera gear whilst in London which was a bit of a wrench but I've decided to only keep cameras that I use regularly for work as I have accumulated so much kit.
I've put all my Mamiya kit on Ebay and some of it has already sold which has surprised me to be honest. I know film is making a comeback but I didn't expect so much interest so soon - I only listed the gear this morning.
This afternoon was spent in the studio shooting a new LED floodlight for a design client and I'm having tomorrow off to spent some time with the family.
I was supposed to have a shoot in Bury St Edmunds for Monday but that looks like it's been postponed until Friday so that will give me some time to catch up with all my post shoot processing.
It's been a good week so I'm happy and to cap it all off Arsenal won away at Fulham!.
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