Tuesday, 22 September 2009

I spent most of today at the studio shooting the solar panels and components that were delivered yesterday . It was a challenge as the panel is 6ft x 4ft and very heavy as well as being very reflective.

I also photographed a whole load of Mamiya medium format kit that I don't use anymore and I've decided to put it all on Ebay. It's a shame as the kit is top quality but it's just gathering dust and I'd rather sell it on in the hope it will all get used.

On a positive note I spoke to a company in Milton Keynes today about some regular studio work with models for a website that they run which could be pretty lucrative if it comes off. I'm meeting them tomorrow to discuss things in more detail and will let you know if it comes to anything.

I'm back in the studio tomorrow to finish off the solar panel work and for a meeting with one of my clients re some more product photography.

Earlier this year I had a photograph nominated for an international award - The Masters Cup - in the architectural section and the certificate arrived in the post from America this morning so I've scanned it and attached it to the blog.

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