Sunday, 6 September 2009

Well it was a relaxing day as I'd hoped for. We all went to the annual village picnic and I've walked the dogs twice today too - it helps me think.
I can't stop thinking about ways to promote the studio business and also about how to improve the new web site. I'm also obsessed with studio lighting techniques and can't wait until my shoot tomorrow with Rebecca. I photographed her last week and she is great to work with. we're definately doing the rock chick pictures tomorrow along with some beauty head shots for variety - it is the spice of life after all.
I've got another new model coming in to the studio on Wednesday for a test shoot. She has a very different look to Rebecca so it will be good for the portfolio.
I bought another photography book yesterday to add to my already huge collection. This one is Annie Liebawitz (I think I've mis spelled that - sorry Annie!) at work and I'll post my thoughts once I've read it.
On the subject of books the best photography book I've ever seen is The Fashion Photography Course by Eliot Siegel (I've spelled that right believe it or not!!). The best "how to" book ever on photography.
I've just eaten a huge dinner (it's now 9pm so quite late) and I'm stuffed and trying to watch Miss Marple whilst writing this at the same time so I'm signing off now to solve the murder.

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