I spent today working through the pictures from the shoot at Middleton Circle Library in Sutton which I took for the architect. I've attached one of the finished pictures to the blog today and it looks like a very straight forward shot. In fact it took a lot of work to achieve this final picture as the contrast between the daylight outside and the interior is very high and impossible to capture in one shot - even on large format print film. The picture shown is the result of blending three different pictures exposed about 1 1/2 stops apart together to achieve a high dynamic range picture. The trick is to use this technology without overdoing it and making the final picture look like a painting or photoshop rendering.
The picture attached was taken at the 17mm end of my 17-40mm L series zoom and the distortion has been removed by DXO (my RAW software conversion package).
I had a new job in today which I'm doing on Thursday at a government building in London. This is a building that has been fitted out with very efficient new lighting and I'm taking before and after pictures of the offices to show the benefit of the new lighting. It also gives me the chance to pop in to the Camera Cafe in Museum Street whilst I'm in town.
I also took a booking for the studio today to photograph some paintings of teddy bears for an artist which will be fun.
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