After a great family weekend I'm back in the swing of things this morning. I'm just running through the RAW files from the product shoot I did in the studio last Thursday then once I've edited them down and processed them I'll move on to the pictures from the South Gloucester Council shoot. That's going to fill most of today but at least I'll be up to date and can then spend tomorrow calling a few clients up about some work we've been promised for April then head over to the studio for some prep work on some upcoming product photography.
I'm photographing a new library in Sutton on Thursday for an architect but that's weather permitting as we really need a sunny clear day to show the building to it's best effect. It is possible to paste in a blue sky in Photoshop but I avoid this at all costs as it never looks totally convincing and it takes ages to do.
I had a chance over the weekend to shoot some black and white film through my Canon T90 and F1 which was great. I normally use Kodak BW400CN which is a black and white film that is processed in normal colour lab so you can get the pictures developed and printed in an hour at Tesco or Asda etc. Traditional black and white film needs to be sent away these days as there aren't any high street chains that can handle it. I used to develop black and white film at home but to be honest it's easier to post it off.
I also took some pictures with my Panasonic Lumix G1 and I'm really impressed with this little camera. The more I use it the more I appreciate the speed and ease of use especially for taking snaps of the family. Anyone looking for a good quality point and shoot with the option of changing the lens like an SLR camera should give this camera a look.
I've attached a picture of one of the lamps that I took in the studio.
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