I've been in London since 2pm after arriving an hour late due to signal failure on the railway line between Bletchley and Leighton Buzzard. I had a quick meeting with Maureen my PR lady then had a wonder around the West End with my little Panasonic G1 camera taking a few street shots. Panasonic make whats called a pancake lens for this camera which is very thin and makes the camera easy to put into a pocket and also looks very low key so doesn't draw attention to anyone using it as people tend to notice camera's with big lenses. I've just tried one out in a shop in Oxford Street but it's nearly £300 so I'm going to wait until the price comes down a bit before I get one. If I bought that now Melanie would definately give me a right telling off!.
I'm now sitting in my favourite shop in the entire world which is a second hand camera shop on Museum Street called Aperture Photographic (see links on the blog page). They specialise in top quality used gear - in particular Leica cameras - and I always come in for a browse and a coffee (they have a cafe here too - what more could anyone ask for!).
Tonight I'm off to the annual Lighting Design Awards at the Hilton Park Lane where many of my customers and friends will be in attendance (I worked in the commercial lighting industry for years). It's always a great bash and I get to wear the old black tie outfit.
Tomorrow I need to catch up with some post processing as I'm fully booked next week and don't want to fall too far behind. I'm always working in arrears but it gets on top of me if I get more than three or four jobs behind. It's a major part of photography now and needs to be done carefully to get the best out of digital cameras.
I've posted a snap I took half an hour ago of a window ledge on a building just off Tottenham Court Road. Talk about stimulants - here's a collection of dog ends, coffee cups and a Red Bull can. I got wired up just looking at it!.I've also posted a picture of Aperture Photographic which is cool because I'm inside the shop right now.
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