The furniture store photography went OK today but as usual for these kind of jobs the actual store was packed with loads of furniture and looked very busy. The journey to Cheltenham was very pleasant though as the sun was shining and the countryside is fabulous once you get out to the other side of Oxford. I did get stuck in heavy traffic in Cheltenham though due to the horse racing which started today.
Tomorrow I'm off to Totnes in Devon to photograph a cider press which I am looking forward to. I won't be trying any cider though as I can remember the last time I had too much scrumpy (around 10 years ago!) and I don't intend to have a hangover like that again.
When I was in London last week I popped into Aperture Photographic - my favourite camera shop - and fell in love with a Contax N1 film camera they had for sale. I texted Melanie in the hope she's let me buy it but she didn't. I did ask her if I could have it for my 40th birthday present (my birthday is in June) but she ignored my text!!. Well I've just checked their website and the camera has sold so I'm really hoping it's headed my way in June!. The Contax N1 was a superb camera that came out in around 2002 and is now discontinued but I would love to get hold of one.
I've attached a picture from the Marks and Spencer job in Liverpool that I did last week.
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