I missed my blog entry yesterday because I had a pretty busy day then drank a bit too much red wine at a party last night - unlike me to be honest as I don't drink much.
I spent the first half of yesterday in the studio having a good tidy up and sorting out some broken kit - basically doing the odd jobs I've been meaning to do for ages. I then popped out to see Dan at Calumet Milton Keynes where I bought some 6ft x 4ft reflector and diffuser panels suitable for both studio and location work.
In the afternoon I had a concept meeting with one of my clients where we discussed the theme for some upcoming product photography that I'm really excited about doing.
The evening was very pleasant too. I play in a brass band and it was our annual Christmas dinner (OK a bit late but who cares!). We went to a great old pub in Stony Stratford called the Crown and had a full Christmas dinner and a few glasses of red wine!.
After a slow start today I've post processed all the pictures from my shoot with the beautiful Amy last week (I say she's beautiful even though she says I remind her of her uncle who's old too apparently!! - I'm only 39 but she's a mere 21!) and I'm well pleased with the results.
Tonight I've got another shoot for the adult TV channel in Milton Keynes where I'm doing some glamour photography (not nude or rude though!) of another couple of their lady presenters.
Tomorrow I'm working in Wiltshire doing an interiors shoot for a furniture company - another one of my best clients.
Todays picture is from the shoot with Amy from last week.
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