I had a pretty quiet day today with only a small shoot this afternoon in Milton Keynes. A guy that runs a car valeting company asked me to photograph an Audi TT that he's polished up with a view to using the pictures on a flier he's producing. I photographed the car inside and out and he took the pictures right away on CD - unusually for me I shot them in Jpeg as he needed the shots straight away.
I then had a meeting with another director for the TV company I'm tying up with to produce movie clips etc for my clients in my studio (which was bloody cold). After he went I tried out the large remote control helicopter Melanie bought me for Christmas and within 10 minutes of "flying" it in the studio I had totally knackered it. Several bits snapped off then it went dead after a series of major crashes. The last and most devastating crash happened when I flew it into my wind machine at high speed.
The studio did survive thankfully but I'll avoid remote control helicopters in there from now on.
Tomorrow I'm filming a video advert for my website in the studio which I'm going to use for viral marketing. Hopefully I can make it funny enough to get forwarded on from person to person. As soon as I get the video completed I'll post a link to it on the blog.
In the evening I've got another shoot for the Sunday Sport newspaper - this time a girl that used to be in the Army so I guess we can have some fun with that!.
Thursday's job in Birmingham has been confirmed but I guess it's now down to the snow clearing in time for me to get there.
I've posted one of my favourite shots from last year that I took at the Barbican in London and that I've entered into this year's masters cup.
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