Yesterday was a great fun day (and day off) as our friends Colette and Jeremy came to visit from London (Colette's picture appeared in the blog a few weeks ago following a studio shoot we did for fun). After an evening out we sat down and watched the classic 1960's film Blowup which was loosely based upon the life of David Bailey in his 60's heyday. It's a really cool film and it launched the career of many fashion photographers but it is a very odd plot. If you like arty films that are beautifully directed but don't care too much about the storyline then I'd recommend this highly. I've watched it a few times but I'm still not sure what it's about!. But then the late David Hemmings who starred in the film claimed that he never knew what it was about either so what hope have I got !.
I've worked for most of the day today catching up on the post processing work for the Orchard Theatre and St John's School in Marlborough that I shot last week. My trusty and talented assistant Kirsty took care of a job for me on Thursday night - an event in Covent Garden in London for one of my best clients as I was out in Birmingham with Melanie on a prior engagement. She did a great job but I still needed to post process the RAW pictures so I did that today as well. I guess those three jobs have taken me around 7 hours to process which is about normal. That's why digital photography is far more complicated than people think if you want to do it properly and get the best possible results.
Next week is now officially manic (which is great news as I like to be busy!!). I'm in Southampton and Portsmouth tomorrow, then Crawley on Tuesday morning followed by a shoot in Wolverhampton at a steel factory on Tuesday late afternoon. Then I'm up to Manchester for a two day trip photographing a new hospital.
I've then got Thursday evening and Friday in the studio doing some more shots for the adult TV channel guys and a portrait shoot too.
I've got to give both the cameras a bloody good clean up as there is a lot of dust and crap on the sensors which makes for more post processing work. The new 5D Mk2 is supposed to self clean the sensor but to be honest it doesn't seem to make any difference. It's a tricky job to clean the sensors safely but as work is really flying at the moment I need to make the effort.
I've just registered the blog with a site called Blogged and some time soon there will be an official blog rating in the tool bar on the right hand side. I'm not sure what rating I'll get but it will be interesting to find out. If it's crap I'll delete the entire thing!!.
I've attached an interior shot from the cafe at the Orchard Theatre in Dartford. The client is one of my regulars and they like to see blurred movement in the shots. To say that Dartford is a bit rough would be like saying Piers Morgan is a bit of a twat - a tremendous understatement!.