Well that's another week gone and it seems like yesterday that I was putting up the Sasco year planner back in January. I've got three jobs in the diary for next week with another one pencilled in then I think it's going to be a quiet run in to Christmas. I love this time of year and really love Christmas so I'm going to make the most of the break - especially as I've only taken 6 days off all year!.
I didn't get to the studio in the end as I spent today finishing off the Central Beds job from Wednesday and then did some backing up of other projects I finished this week. I'm now finally bang up to date and looking forward to the weekend.
Next week's jobs are a designer kitchen store in Oxfordshire, an office in Beaconsfield and The Orchard Theatre in London. I'm also doing another shoot with Zoe on Tuesday in the studio and out on location and I'm really looking forward to that - she's such a lovely model to work with.
I want to re-visit the railway line location and I'm hoping to find a couple of other industrial locations too.
The Flickr photo stream in the blog has stopped working and looking on the Internet it seems to be happening to all Blogger.com blogs which is a shame. I hope the guys at Blogger can come up with a solution as that is a really important feature for a photographers blog!.
I've attached another picture of our friend Colette from Melanie's girlie night in the studio as I was looking through the RAW files again and thought this shot looked good in the faded colour profile from Lightroom. I've boosted the contrast a little in Photoshop and really like the result.
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