Well the solar panel photography went well this morning despite the fact that my studio roof had leaked and there was a pool of water right in the middle of the floor!. After a quick clean up and some precise bucket placement we went ahead with the shoot and once I'd set up all the black paper rolls to kill the reflections in the glass panel the pictures didn't take long to take.
I then headed back to the office and had another problem to resolve in the form of the video clips I shot at the Natural History Museum. The client wants to play the clips before I get them all edited and in order to do this the raw video footage needs to be rendered. I don't know much about editing video and Kirsten my video expert is snowed under this week so I did some research and found a free program called MPEG Streamclip that basically takes the raw footage and converts it to either Mpeg 4 or AVI. Result!!. And it's free and easy to use. So if anyone reading this shoots video clips on their Canon EOS 5D MK2 like mine and need to render the clips into a more usable format then MPEG Streamclip is your baby!.
After converting the video clips I felt really pleased with myself (smug bastard!) and headed out to walk the dogs to celebrate.
The job tomorrow at Leighton Buzzard for Beds CC has been brought forward to a 7.00am start so I need an early night tonight as I felt pretty tired today. I love reportage photography and I'm looking forward to tomorrow - it should be good fun.
I've attached another picture of Zoe to today's blog as I think she's a real star!.
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