This morning I photographed a lighting control system control panel and a high tech racking system at one of my best customers HQ in Milton Keynes. I had to use the available artificial light which was difficult to control as there was quite a lot of glare on the glossy paint finish of the panel.
Then I went to the studio and finally got around to taking a self portrait on my 5x4 view camera and the film is being processed overnight by my mate Melvyn at Great Brickhill. There aren't may people left that will process 5x4 sheet film and he's a top bloke to boot!.
I've attached another couple of shots from Friday's shoot with Rhian as I really like them. I've converted one to black and white in the DXO software that I use but next time we will shoot some black and white film via the 6x9 back on my view camera. We're also going to do some location shots in an industrial environment and I'll shoot some film on my Canon T90 when we finally get this arranged.
I bought some arse kicking speakers with a sub woofer for the laptop at the studio and it sounds pretty good. The guys next door occasionally bang on the wall during 9-5 hours so I kept it well down but in the evenings and at weekends I will ramp it up - especially when doing a fashion shoot.
I've got to be in St Albans for 8am tomorrow for a shoot in the Post Office there - hopefully they won't be on strike!! - so need to get an early night if possible. I won't though I guess as I never do!.
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