I writing this from my bed at home!!. I've had a mad mad week and I've pretty much ground to a halt. Yesterday I did the early morning shoot at Bath University where I photographed two cafe areas that had been newly refurbished. Then I did a quick external shot of the Nat West bank in Bath for the same client. On the way home I stopped off in Oxford and took some pictures at Trinity College - again for the same client.
This morning I worked on the pictures from Derby that I took on Tuesday and got them finished off. Then I went down to London for a shoot at Kings College...and so ended a busy week.
I'm doing a shoot of a few of Melanie's friends in the studio tomorrow night for fun - we're having a few drinks in the studio and some music which will be great.
Hopefully Sunday will be relaxing then it's all go for next week that's looking pretty full in the diary.
I've attached a picture I took a while back at a furniture showroom in Covent Garden as I walked past it today and it reminded me of the shoot!.
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