I had a shoot at the National Anti Doping Agency building near Trafalgar Square today which went well and although the interior was quite small I took some good shots for my client who has supplied the furniture through out the building. The Anti Doping Agency are the guys that ban athletes and footballers etc who get caught taking drugs so some areas were sensitive and we weren't allowed to photograph a couple of the offices due to the sensitive nature of their work.
It was great to be back in London again and the UKDA offices are right next to Trafalgar Square. I walked through the Square in the bright sunlight and I realised just how smart London is.
After the shoot I popped in to The Camera Cafe (Aperture) on Museum Street and looked at all the beautiful second hand Leica and Hassleblad kit they have. If I was a millionaire I be buying stuff in there every week. They do have a few famous customers I believe including the great photographer David Bailey and Eric Clapton.
I've attached a picture from the shoot to the blog.
PS Please look me up on Twitter at Redshiftphoto.
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