I travelled up to Glasgow today on the train from Milton Keynes and arrived here at around 3.30pm after a 5 hour trip. It sounds bad but actually I love the train journey as it gives me time to think and to work on my business plan which is ongoing. Apart from some irritating little twat sitting behind me with his ipod blaring out at 150 odd decibels it was a pretty good trip.
The first shoot I did when I got here was a plush reception area just down the road from Glasgow Central Station. It was a small but very tricky job as the area was small but very high and I needed to feature the ceiling lights in the shots. I used my trusty 24mm tilt and shift lens and also my much used 17-40mm zoom. For close up detail shots I used the Canon 70-200 2.8 L IS lens which is probably the best lens Canon make as the images are so sharp and contrasty.
The second job was also very tricky as is was another reception area but with half the room black and the other half pure white with bright spotlights throughout - an exposure nightmare!.I also took a dusk external shot of the whole office block and that meant my customer had to run along each floor to get the lights to switch on as the building is brand new and not occupied.
I'm now in my room in the Premier Travel Inn in George Street Glasgow feeling very bloated after putting away a bowl of soup, steak and chips and apple pie - so much for the diet!.
It's going to be a long day tomorrow as we've got a hospital to photograph in the morning followed by three office buildings in the afternoon - that's why I had the steak and chips.
I can't upload any of today's shots as I haven't processed any of them so here's one from the archive - it's 111 Buckingham Palace Gate in London.
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