Happy New Year everyone!.
We're back at work today after a fantastic Christmas break so we're all refreshed and ready to go.
Me with Grumpy Mug |
The diary is looking pretty busy already for January with three more night shoots in London with Architainment, two interiors to photograph for Hoare Lea and two jobs in Manchester - one a private house and the other a Herts Rent-a-car office. We've also got a couple of exciting video jobs bubbling away so it should be a good start to 2012. It takes the pressure off knowing that we've got some work in the bank so to speak and we're lucky to be in such a good position.
Philips Lighting Standard |
During the office party we had a secret Santa and I was delighted to get a large "grumpy old git" mug with a rant about Reality TV printed on it. I drink loads of Tea and I hate Reality TV with a passion so it was a perfect pressie. Here's a picture of me with it taken by Ani!.
During the past year we worked on the new Philips magazine called The Lighting Standard edited by Jane Hart at Philips HQ in Guildford. Here's a page of the brochure with some of our pictures in place. These were taken at Bemco wholesalers in London last summer. This type of reportage work is great fun and I really enjoyed working on the Lighting Standard. I'm hoping to get involved in any future issues planned for 2012 too.
I'm off now to meet Pete my partner in Inverse Square Media to discuss taking the video company forward this year. There's definitely a growing demand for video content and Inverse Square did really well last year despite being a new start up company with no advertising or promotion other than via word of mouth. We've produced some very neat desk calendars to give away so if you'd like one please drop me a line and we'll post one out to you!.
Happy New Year once again - lets hope 2012 is a good one for us all.