I've been running around like a nutter again over the past couple of weeks since the last blog post with jobs in London, Sheffield, Guildford , Cambridge, Gwent in Mid Wales, Swansea and Ashford in Kent.
Wharf Road Islington |
I'd like to think if you put all the jobs on the map and joined the dots that it would spell a rude word but that's probably wishful thinking!!.
The London jobs were for Architainment (a division of Philips Lighting) and I've attached a picture of St Clements Church in Finsbury Park and a canal bridge in Islington with colour change lighting that responds to movement along the tow path in today's blog.
St Clement's Church |
I photographed another church in Ashford for Havells Sylvania which has been lit with a combination of compact fluorescent track mounted fittings and LED based spotlights. The lighting looked great and the picture shown here is in fact three shots taken with my 24mm T/S lens stitched together to give a very wide angle view of the church interior. Photoshop has a very useful automatic action for joining pictures together and I like to use this technique with the Tilt Shift lens whenever I can as I prefer the perspective to that gained when using an ultra wide angle lens.
The job in Gwent was actually a combination of shooting video and stills over two days for Kinnarps. We've already visited site once before when the furniture was being delivered and installed by the Kinnarps fitters and this visit was to capture some footage of the building in use. We then headed over to Swansea on the third day to photograph a newly fitted out Virgin Atlantic call centre where the Kinnarps furniture really fitted in beautifully. I'll post the video in the blog once Pete has edited it.
St Mary's Church |
I photographed a Tesco Extra store in Sheffield for Riegens Lighting who have supplied long runs of trunking with linear fluorescent lighting fixed to it and the Cambridge shoot was a combination of staff portraits and general shots of Cambridge for a new brochure for Hoare Lea. It was great to walk around Cambridge snapping away at the college buildings etc as the architecture there is beautiful.
I've been using my little Olympus EPL1 camera lots recently and now love it to bits. It's such a great camera to keep handy for grab shots and candid snaps on the go. My next project over the Christmas break is to shoot some medium format film with my Pentax 67 camera which I'm looking forward to. I'm thinking black and white shots in the snow and ice and if I can find a good model some nice location shots on slide film.
Ani with the Dirt Devil! |
Great excitement gripped the office last week when our new hoover arrived - delivered swiftly to our door by Amazon!. Here's a picture of Ani in action with our little red Dirt Devil!.
He's so reliable I'm thinking of promoting him to the board - I'll have to ask Kinnarps for another office chair now too in case he needs to use the PC or answer the phone!.