It's been a difficult few weeks on a personal level as my Father In Law has been very ill and sadly passed away last week. The cremation took place on Wednesday so I took Monday Tuesday and Wednesday off to help out with everything. I know some people take photographs at funerals as a way of recording the day and I can see how this might be seen as a way of documenting the last phase of a friend or relatives life but I think I would find it impossible to do as I would feel that every shot taken was imposing on someones grief.
I know that the famous portrait and celebrity photographer Anni Leibovitz photographed her own Fathers illness and death as a documentary type project and maybe that helped her to come to terms with it but I still think this is a strange thing to do.
On the work front I had a long day yesterday shooting both stills and video at a garden centre in Sevenoaks for a case study and Internet based film clip to show the delivery and installation of some high class Swedish furniture. My client is a leading furniture manufacturer and they offer a complete service for companies from space planning and design through to delivery and installation of the goods. I shot hours of footage and hundreds of stills although the final video will only be around two minutes long. Here's a link to the last video I did for them along the same lines as this one will be -
This time I used three cameras - the 5D MK2 on a tripod for video, my Panasonic G1 for hand held stills and my 5D on a tripod with an intervalometer fitted to enable the camera to take a picture every thirty seconds automatically.I'll use the pictures (600 plus of them!) from the 5D to create a time lapse video showing the empty office right through to the completion of the furniture installation.
Next week I'm pretty busy with meeting on Monday with two clients, a shoot in Cheshire on Tuesday and another shoot at All Star Lanes in Brick Lane on Wednesday (I photographed the venue a couple of years ago but they've recently completed a refurb!). Also on Wednesday night I've got an event in London to photograph so a pretty busy day all round.
I'm back on the radio again on Friday for my monthly photography "expert hour" (OK it's not that funny) and I'm sad to say that after 4 years on BBC Three Counties Radio I think my expert hour slot might be coming to an end but that's not been confirmed yet - I hope it doesn't happen but I'll know more in a few weeks time.
I've attached a picture in today's blog of Ray my Father In Law - I took this last year in my studio and I'll miss him dearly - he was a really really good bloke!.